We Are All So Much More than We Experience!
“There is no Heavier Burden than an unfulfilled potential.” —Charles Schulz
How Would You Like To: (See Our Testimonials)
- Live in the Flow!
- Open Your Intuition!
- Awaken Your Hidden Intelligence!
- Open Your Innate Senses and Perceptions!
- Create Increasing Ease and Flow in Your Life!
- Experience the Truth of Who You Are at the Highest Levels!
Now is the Time to Awaken and Unleash Your Fullest Potential!
We’re helping people just like you Experience More Spiritual Growth in just a few sessions than many who’ve been Meditating and following the Self-Help movement for Decades… Many are now experiencing greater than 200 point Movements in Consciousness in a single Session. (See Map of Consciousness)
You have heard stories of people doing amazing things with their mind and body? Did you know virtually ‘every’ culture has these stories and for them, this is just a normal way of life… We Can Help You Do This Too!
What is Our Full Potential?
Scientists are only now able to measure and prove we ‘All’ have these talents laying dormant within us. We can now wake these talents up! How would life be if you could access more of your Mind, your Memory, Your Focus and find the answers when you want them? How will your life be when you can access the hidden information from all of your senses, not just our conscious 5 senses of Seeing, Hearing, Tasting, Touching and Smelling?
Did you know in 1994 a man named Ingo Swann ran the Remote Viewing program for the CIA in the United Sates and he reported to a group at the United Nations that we ‘all’ have at least 17 extra Sensory Perceptions that every one of us can learn to use? In fact we may have many more senses; some believe hundreds are yet to be discovered…
Here’s a Question: Are you aware of ‘every’ possible function your Computer or Cell Phone can do? If so, are you able to use them all?
Here’s the point…
You already have all of the Potentials, Capacities and Capabilities you have, whether or not you are aware of them… We help you begin Gently opening Your Fullest Potential so Life Just Keeps Getting Better and Better…
“It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you use that makes a difference.” —Zig Ziglar
Over the years we have helped many people just like you, Live Better, Happier and Healthier lives, and in just a few sessions! Let Us Help You Begin Living the Life You Most Want To Live!
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” —Leo Tolstoy
‘Consciousness is Foundational to Matter.’ —Max Planck the Father of Quantum Science 1917
“For as a man thinks in his heart so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7)
What we ‘Believe’ becomes our Reality whether or not it’s true…
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” —Einstein
“A belief is simply a thought that seems true to YOU.” —Gordana Biernat
“With our thoughts we make the world.” —Buddha
“Things do not happen TO you. They happen THROUGH you.
You are the co-creator of everything in your reality.” —Gordana Biernat
What does all this really mean?
Everything is Energy and Frequency…
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ―Nikola Tesla
We now know our mind and body is made of energy and has energy fields. NASA measured these energies before sending Astronauts out into space. The Ancients have long known the truth we have only recently had the scientific equipment to prove.
This means that practices like Acupuncture, Reiki and Pranic energetic healing have factual scientific foundations… and that Tai Chi and Chi Kung are more than just physical movements, they are energetic practices that are able to heal our Mind and Body.
We now know that the Heart runs the Brain and the Brain is just an organ of our Mind which is our Body. Each and every cell in our body is intelligent and is at some level conscious, as is matter itself… at least according to Stem cell biologist and bestselling author, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
The HeartMath Institute says, “the heart has so many interconnected neurons that it is like a “second brain”, and probably involved in various forms of advanced emotional processing.” Further, “the heart sends more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.’”
HeartMath researchers have gone so far as to show that physical aspects of DNA strands can be influenced by human intention. The article, Modulation of DNA Conformation by Heart-Focused Intention – McCraty, Atkinson, Tomasino, 2003 – describes experiments that achieved such results.
It turns out our Mind-Body has multiple Brains: The Right and Left Hemispheres, our Heart, our Gut and also our Skin… Dr Bruce Lipton says, ‘every cell in our Body is Intelligent’…
We can go on and on with the inner intelligence and inter-connectedness of our Mind-Body… Reflexology shows our whole body reflected in our hands and feet, Iridology shows this in our Eyes, Auricular Therapy in our Ears, Chinese Medicine in our Skin, Our Teeth, our Tongue and even our Reproductive organs…
According to Dr. Deitrich Klinghardt, Dr. Hulda Clark, Dr. Bruce Lipton and many others, our Mind-Body has the potential to fully heal itself mentally, emotionally and physically… Add to this we are Spiritual Beings and we begin to get the picture…
Are You Ready To Begin Living Your Best Life?
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” —Lao Tzu
“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” —Gail Sheehy
“They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.” —Confucius
We now have the Research and the understanding we need to Quickly Live Better Lives… So the question remaining is… When is Now the time to Begin Living Your Best Life?
What if We Can Help You Awaken Your Fullest Human and Spiritual Potentials… And What if We Can Get Started Right Away!
Over the years we have helped thousands of people just like you, Live Better, Happier and Healthier lives, and in just a few sessions! Let Us Help You Begin Living the Life You Most Want To Live!
So How Can We Help You?
Just like we have for thousands of others… Using the knowledge of over 50 years of Neuro-Science Breakthroughs, we help you retrain your mind, using World Class Strategies to give you the skills and resources you need to Awaken Your Fullest Human and Spiritual Potential and Enjoy Living Your Best Life Today!
Most experience Positive Life-Lasting Results in just a few sessions…
Be sure to See what others are Saying about their Experience with us and you can be confident we can help you as well!
Just contact us to Get Your Free 30 Minute Consultation so We Can Help You Begin Living Your Best Life Today!