
Mental, Emotional & Physical

Back in The Game!

My son has excelled in baseball year after year. He was a starter on every All-star game and even led the league in over the fence home-runs in 2015. In 2016, he made the jump from little league to the big 90 foot field. In doing so he struggled in making the transition. 3 hours before the 10th game I took him to see Rich Aydelott and in one session he was back on track and ended up being one of the top players in the league.

Here are the stats taken by the same statistician.

Games 1 – 9: At Bats: 23, Strikeouts: 11, Hits: 2, Batting Avg.: 0.089 Innings Pitched: 5.1, ERA: 3.938

(Session with Rich 3 hours before game 10)

Games 10 – 20: At Bats: 29, Strikeouts: 1, Hits: 13, Batting Avg.: 0.448 Innings Pitched: 11, ERA: 1.273

Games 21 – 54: At Bats: 93, Strikeouts: 8, Hits: 50, Batting Avg.: 0.538 Innings Pitched: 44.1, ERA: 1.421

If your son or daughter needs to turn up their game… I would highly recommend going to Rich – I was Amazed at how quickly the change was made. This has also helped my son many other areas of his life as well. He says he feels more confident, more calm and life seems easier. ~R.G La Center, Washington

From Ranked 9th Nationally to Undefeated!

Rich, Thank you for working with me to improve my performance on the Racquetball Court. In the past, I have frozen up with high level competition. A combination of my new coach and your session of a few hours changed my whole season last year. It took my game to a whole new level. I am in much better control of my emotions on the court. I had an undefeated season, winning my second title at High School Nationals, I also won Adult Nationals in the Elite Division and the Girls 18 and under category. I think through my game and am proactive instead of reactive. It is a great feeling.

My next step is to work towards the Pro Level. I am excited to be working with you again this year to go even further with my mental game. ~Sincerely, Lexi York Vancouver, WA

Doubling My Income!

I have experienced Rich’s expertise both as a practitioner and as a teacher of TPM. He has a deep sense of caring about his clients and with his patience, creates an environment of safety and trust. His innate curiosity inspires him to search for the deepest source of an issue and then transform thinking or create healing at the deepest unconscious level.

The work I’ve experienced with Rich has been profound, transformational and has brought me to a greater experience of my spiritual being. The benefits I’ve reaped from my sessions with him range from doubling my income! … to healing a painful condition in my body… to awakening my own healing energy. He has so much passion for this work, has a brilliant mind, which is always creating new ways to get results, and has the gift of perseverance. I feel privileged to be not only a client, but also a student of his innovative thinking. ~K.S., Account Executive, Seattle, WA

Enhanced Performance – Golf
Hi Rich! Things are working out, yesterday I played the back nine at Heron Lakes golf course and shot a 40! That’s 4 over par and six under what I normally shoot on that course. Granted, I’ve been shooting a little lower the past two weeks but this one was magical because I SHOT 40 WITH ONLY ONE PAR! that means I shot 3 birdies (a new record). I hit sand traps on the first three holes right off the tee box but kept a confident, positive outlook going thru and made out great. Golf is a great test of mind and matter. so, thanks for your help in the right direction the other day, I NEEDED IT!!! ~TK Battle Ground, Washington

Effortless Jump from $3,000 to over $10,000!

I want to say that the results of our work together has been nothing short of extraordinary. I made an immediate jump from about $3,000 per month in income to over $10,000 per month! And it was so effortless. ~S. L. Vancouver, WA

Learned to Drive a Stick Shift Overnight… Digestion Better and Phobia Gone, Increased Power and Presence

Collective Testimonial… Showing the Progressive nature of these processes. The following is the result of a single session.

[After the Session…]

Hi Rich!!
Thank-you for that beautiful gift, I am grateful beyond measure!! I am still having flash backs of my beautiful journey, it was very touching. My body feels fantastic, and I am sure I will sleep well tonight! Thank-you again.

[After 1 Week…]

Hi Rich!!
So since the session, well… as you know the day after felt like a CRASH, I was a complete basket case… which is OK, I realize it was the body doing the Internal “work”. You also might remember I mentioned that my drive home was not so good. Well the next day and since then it has been pleasant and stress free which is a HUGE difference from the Fear and white knuckle driving I was doing before!

(We taught her mind how to drive a ‘Stick Shift’ virtually overnight)

My Digestion… which has been an issue for SOOO long… has been Excellent!! yeah!!! I noticed as you said that the emotion and pain around some memories are gone. It feels as though I have come to completion and resolved some painful childhood traumas. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!

[After 3 weeks…]

Hello Rich,

Recent Developments… I am proof that the Technique is progressive, as my Spider Phobia is lessening Everyday… I literally had one crawling on the glasses on my face and I did not freak out. Normally that would have rendered me into a state of panic and fear that is debilitating. AMAZING (and we did not even work directly ON that phobia, and MOSHOG did.) [Mind of Steel Heart of Gold workshop]

I am noticing a clarity, a power and a presence about myself that is deeper and more grounded. WAY less Fear & worry. I am VERY excited about working with You again Rich and I WHOLE heartedly believe you and your technique belong in Mind Mastery at the VERY least. It would also be a Fantastic Fit for MOSHOG, Wizard, Wealth & Wisdom.

I believe this method to be one of the most powerful modalities I have encountered. As a health and wellness professional, this is the cherry on top. Sincerely, ~Melanie Wierenga – Peak Potentials Trainer

Auto-Mind Prepared for Massive 3 Day Training in a Day and a Half!

[Pre MMI (Millionaire Mind Intensive) Training…] Session 2 via phone Background Info: Melanie called and asked me if I could help her prepare for an upcoming Millionaire Mind Intensive 3 day weekend training to do an ‘emergency fill in’ for another trainer who was injured and could not do the training. She had attended the training several times but had never actually presented this huge event to others. We worked with her mind using TPM for her to ‘superlearn’ the 3 day program for about 1 hour and here are the results… (Incidentally, there are several hundreds of pages of script to remember!)

Hi Rich, I am exhausted, and relieved, and very proud of myself! I had an Amazing, Amazing weekend and you were a part of that, you were a part of allowing me to show up, and be big, and to go places with them, and be authentic and do it professionally, and well, even though I only had a day and a half to prepare!

I hope you come to a Millionaire Mind Intensive so you can see what you helped to create. Thank you Rich, all the best on all you’re doing and we’ll be in touch; and I told the participants about you…

~Sincerely, Melanie Wierenga – Peak Potentials Trainer

More Sales and Higher profits with Less Effort…
Rich has vast knowledge of his subject. What’s more, he applies that vast knowledge brilliantly. I know of no one better able to get to the real heart of whatever it is that is stopping you or bothering you. A fine therapist and a great friend. ~SL Poulsbo, WA

Mental Preparedness = Healthy Success!

Rich, I wanted to take a moment and thank you so much for helping me achieve what I felt was impossible. I started a 12 week challenge to lose as much weight and gain as much muscle as possible. I started the challenge at 24% body fat and ended at 6.8%.

My success was directly linked to the mental preparedness that you helped me with. With your help, I was able to focus more clearly and have the discipline I needed to lose 31 pounds of fat and at the same time gain 11 pounds of muscle in just 90 days!

In addition, I was able to be injury free as a result of my inner mind warning me when I was on the verge of training too hard. My biggest challenge was eating right. As a result of the mental shift you helped me create; I now view food as a tool to help me accomplish my goals, not a relaxant after a stressful day. Thanks for a great mental tune up. It worked! ~Rick Goode Vancouver, WA